Rabu, 12 Juni 2013


1.      Caution

Ø  Please, do not have food or beverages ( or empty containers ) in here
( Tolong jangan tinggalkan makanan atau minuman (atau botol/kotak kosong di sini )
Ø  The Purpose : We are not allowed to leave our rubies.
Ø  Waiting Room
                ( Ruang Tunggu)
Ø  The Purpose : This is the room to wait
Ø                                    Don’t Enter
Ø  The Purpose : Don’t pass through this way

2.        Short Message


Sarah I had come to return your book. But, unfortunately you weren’t at home.
I gave the book to your mom.


From : +6287757377408
To      : +6282377536490

I need your help  Please deliver some tart cakes for birthday party  I’m waiting the cake before 10 a.m tomorrow morning  Mrs. Sunarto.

3.    Advertisement
    Samsung Champ
             Color, FM, Camera, Headset, Web
             Polyphonic ring tones, box, and a charger.
             Rp 875,000,00 (nego)

-          The Purpose : To persuade the readers (Untuk mengajak pembaca)


To : All Friends
You are invited to my birthday party

Oktober 8, 2013
At 2 p.m.In the Surabaya Hotel
Please come to my Birthday Party

-          The purpose : to tell to be present at my birthday party on Saturday the 12 th of Oktober 2013 at 3 pm

5.  Announcement

                The student association holds a student gathering for students of grade VIII on August 16 th at the hall. Please all students come.

For more information, contact Rafael at the Student’s Association office.

Student Association

The Purpose to tell you that there is an association for students of class VIII

6.  Letter

Dear Tim

How are you doing? 

wanted to thank you for being my true friend, for being with me through thick and thin, for sharing all I have been through and for all love . 

I am Fajar to have a friend like you.



The Purpose : To express his gratitude to the team because Jim has become his best friend

1 komentar:

tus mengatakan...

I have read the same text as yours......

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